Learning Skills Development

CCLC_SliderImage_BuildConfidence_1068x460px_072313Many parents may think their child just needs a tutor. Maybe the student is falling a behind in a subject, or in a variety of subjects, or maybe they need to develop learning skills.

Some children and adolescents just need to learn how to learn, or hone their learning skills so that they don’t need a tutor in the future. That’s where Central Coast Learning Center comes in.

Central Coast Learning Center builds skills for independent learning, while at the same time building confidence to do well in the classroom.

When we determine that a student is not processing information efficiently, we work to prepare the student’s brain for learning by building the underlying mental skills that are so vital to academic success.

These include skills such as:

  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Processing Speed
  • Auditory processing, language, and communication
  • Phonemic awareness
  • Visual processing
  • Logic and reasoning
  • Executive function

Cognitive skills training is done one-to-one with students and focuses on developing those skills that lead to independent, academic success.